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Interested in joining the Young Scientists Journal?

We are always looking for young people to join our budding journal, with several different departments for you to get involved in.

For more information please don't hesitate to get in touch.


Check out our vacancies below! If you want to apply for one of these roles, then please include it in your application to join the Young Scientists Journal.

Devaanshi Kawatra

“During my time at the Young Scientists Journal, I have learned about the teamwork and coordination necessary to operate a student-led science journal. As I continue to write and edit articles and work on podcast episodes, I hope to continue to explore my passion for science. Thank you to all the departments for making YSJ the way it is today!”

Interested In Becoming A Hub With Us?

We're currently expanding our outreach endeavours and would love for your institution to join us. Starting a hub with the Young Scientists Journal will give you the opportunity to make your existing science club at school/college part of the YSJ, giving students the chance to write their own papers to be published on our site or to get involved elsewhere within the Journal.


Get in touch with us today to see how your institution will benefit from being a hub with the YSJ!

Video: YSJ Team at Tonbridge Science Conference - March 2024

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